The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP18: David A. Cox - Embrace Social Media For Your Business Success



Technology. In today's world, with smart phones, laptops and other devices consuming our attention, it's surprising there are entrepreneurs out there who aren't taking advantage of social media. For those who don't understand its impact and are fearful of using it for marketing their business, our guest today is here to help. David A. Cox is the founder of Tech Talk America which offers live and pre-recorded classes about all things Apple as well as other technologies. The Tech Talk America YouTube page has over 362,800 subscribers for a reason. Its online classes are valuable to many across the globe. During this episode, you'll learn... Why building trust through your relevant and useful social media content can help strengthen your bond with potential prospects Why it's important to bust through your social media fears by having the courage to deeply understand it The importance of staying in touch and tracking your social media and website audience who are engaging with your content To find out more abo