The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP448: TJ Rodgers - How To Make $1 Billion In Tech By Washing The Floors & Cleaning The Toilets



“At the end of my career, I didn’t do any of the sexy jobs. I scrubbed the floors and washed the toilets. There are crappy jobs that are hard to get good people into. Those things were essential to survive and extremely important and I couldn’t get anyone to do them.” With a physics and electrical engineering degree, T.J. Rodgers worked hard and earned great success in the tech industry developing new technologies for AMD, attracting attention from Intel, and later by founding Cypress Semiconductors. But he truly earned his merit by using his time as CEO of Cypress (the longest standing CEO ever for a semiconductor company) to develop systems that dramatically improved internal operations including Human Resources, scheduling, quality, planning, and culture. He realized that these things were essential to the longterm survival of the company. He recorded his work in these areas and is here today to share the history and war stories that lead to their development. TJ also shares his thoughts on the issue of AI