Moments With Marianne

The Power of Attention with Sarah McLean & Conquering Teen Anxiety with Jon Patrick Hatcher



The Power of Attention with Sarah McLeanSarah McLean is an international speaker and teacher, and author of “Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation” (Hay House, 2012), “Simple, Easy, Every Day Meditation” (Delhi International Press, 2013), and “The Power of Attention: Awaken to Love and its Unlimited Potential with Meditation” (Hay House, 2017). She is a go-getter, globetrotting contemporary meditation teacher as the founding director of the McLean Meditation Institute and the Meditation Teacher Academy in the spiritual mecca of Sedona, Arizona. www.McLeanMeditation.comConquering Teen Anxiety with Jon Patrick HatcherJon is the creator and co-author of 101 Ways to Conquer Teen Anxiety, and two nonfiction, humor works coming in spring of 2018. Jon pursued his alchemy of full-time nonfiction writing devoted to assisting people with life-altering adversities through humorous, cathartic, and insightful books that tackle various hardships in a unique approach not utilized elsewhere. He holds