Breakthrough Pt Marketing Podcast With Chad Madden

The One Simple Strategy To Differentiate Your Practice From Others



"What Exactly Do You Do?" As a Private Practice physical therapy owner this is a question I get a lot. It's a question if you don't know how to answer, can stop you from getting new patients. Today we're going to talk about a really cool strategy I've found to overcome this. In this post, you'll learn how to make yourself stand out from other private practice PTs, how to motivate patients to complete their plan of care, and how to market yourself better so you get higher conversions. "Why should I choose your physical therapy practice and services versus going down the street to your competitor?" For those who know anything about Business Strategy, you'll know this as customers basically asking, "What's your USP?" The usual answer Private Practice PTs come up with are the boring ones, the ones that all other owners say, We have high quality care... You get to see the same Physical Therapist every time... We do one on one... You get manual therapy every time that you're in... For more visit: http://br