Radio Gonzo

Canterbury Soundwaves #10



Before Canterbury Sans Frontières was Canterbury Soundwaves a show which creator Matthew Watkins described as "exploring the so-called `Canterbury Sound`, its many roots, branches, twigs and accompanying mycelia in 28 episodes (November 2010 - January 2013). We, the little fellows hiding behind the scenes at Gonzo Web Radio are proud to announce that as well as Canterbury Sans Frontières episodes as they happen, all 28 of the back catalogue will also be hosted. EPISODE TEN: East Asian connections from Canterbury to Malaysia, Japan, China and Tibet, then back again. A rare instance of Dave Sinclair singing, Robert Wyatt reading from some Chinese communist propaganda, quite a bit of Alan Gowen, Acid Mothers Gong being very strange indeed, another cover of Wyatt's "Alifib", more Hugh Hopper collaborations, an (almost) live version of "Winter Wine" by Caravan, Steve Hillage in Japan with Ash Ra Tempel's Manuel Göttsching... AND a frivolous poetry competition!