Wednesday Night Services

Observance or Obedience - Audio



Do you have memorials in your life to remember a past loss, event, or failure, or have you developed a practice that became a habit you thought might help you grow spiritually? There is no command in the word to do such things, but it’s been a part of your life for so long that to cut it out now would seem to be wrong. Maybe God might be disappointed in you, or even a loved one that past away? This guilt can keep us maintaining a ritual or state of mind that maybe has become harmful to our mental well being. This is the basis of a question that the returnees in Jerusalem asked of God about some of the fasts they picked up. Should we continue these fasts? Do we continue to remember the past failures so we don’t fall into them again? Do we remember the sadness of past events so as not to forget? Well God sent a message back and we look at that answer in Zechariah 7.