Kate Hastings Show

You Can't Defeat What You Keep Entertaining



"You can't defeat what you keep entertaining" speaks to the power of our choices and habits in shaping our lives. It suggests that when we continuously engage with or entertain negative influences, whether they be toxic relationships, self-destructive behaviors, or detrimental thought patterns, we hinder our ability to overcome them. By willingly giving these elements a place in our lives, we inadvertently grant them power and control over us. However, the adage also holds a key to empowerment: if we recognize and actively disengage from these negative influences, refusing to entertain them any longer, we can pave the way for personal growth, resilience, and triumph. It reminds us that true victory lies in consciously choosing to distance ourselves from that which hinders us, opening the door to a brighter future where we can face and conquer our challenges with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.     Phenyx Fit Kate Hastings Podcast  Mental Health Coach  @coachkate1