The Hustle & Flowchart Podcast

From Polynesian Wisdom to Technological Frontiers with George Siosi Samuels



In this episode, Joe chats with George Siosi Samuels, a digital wayfinder bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and the technological revolution.  Discover how George delved into his Polynesian ancestry to find profound knowledge that guides him in navigating the complexities of the new technological world. As George shares his insights, we realize that history has a way of repeating itself, and the emergence of AI follows the pattern of previous groundbreaking advancements. Join Joe and George as they shed light on the disruptive nature of new technologies and the significance of paying attention when the masses push back. Discover how a profound paradigm shift is occurring in society regarding AI, challenging our preconceived notions and opening doors to endless possibilities.  Ultimately, we come to understand that while AI may seem capable of making certain things obsolete, its true power lies in teaching us more about ourselves than any other technology before.  As George eloquently expresses, expertis