Feng Shui | Holistic Spaces Podcast With Anjie Cho

Episode 213: Feng Shui Basics



In this episode, we’re defining five fundamental feng shui terms. Whether you are totally new to feng shui or you’re a long-time listener, it’s important to understand these essential concepts that form the foundation of a feng shui practice. If you want to dive deeper, be sure to sign up for our mailing list so that you can take our upcoming free Feng Shui Basics course! We cover:- What is feng shui? - What is qi? - What are yin and yang? - What are the five elements? - What is the bagua? Mentioned in this episode: Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive complimentary special workshops and offers for our newsletter subscribers ONLY! You’ll also get notified when enrollment for the Inner Circle opens. Make sure you’re following us on Instagram for feng shui tips and live Q&A’s.Learn about our courses and certification on our website at: Mindful Design School.Check out our older episodes on our Holistic Spaces Podcast archive.