Mindful Judaism

12 Steps Series: Step Nine



Step Nine of the Twelve Steps Codependents’ Guide To The Twelve Steps, Melody Beattie (CODA) STEP 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. Quote #1 - “…allowing other people to have their paths and issues and learning to have our own.”(p134) Quote #2 - “...We must work through, and experience fully, our feelings. We must clearly identify and accept the abuse. We need to figure out what our new behaviors and responses to others need to be, so the abuse or mistreatment doesn't continue. And then we will be led into forgiveness.” (p135) Quote #3 - “Sometimes the lesson is establishing boundaries...learning to say no...learning to own our power and respect and trust our feelings, wants, and needs. Sometimes the lesson isn't clear, and all we can do is accept that the incident happened.” (p135) Quote #4 - “Often, the shorter the amend, the better. The cleaner and clearer, the better. The more direct, the better. The more it comes from the hear