Comics Alternative

Episode 25 - Recent Crime, Detective, and Noir Comics, Part I



This week Andy and Derek begin what will be a two-episode look at recent crime, detective, and noir comics. In this first installment, they discuss two general kinds of of these comics: heist/caper and unconventional noir.  With the former, the Two Guys with PhDs look specifically at Robert Kirkman, Nick Spencer, James Asmus, and Shawn Martinbrough’s Thief of Thieves; Gary Phillip and Marc Laming’s The Rinse; and Howard Chaykin’s Marked Man.  Next, they turn their focus to several unconventional comics that blend genres and narrative styles in interesting ways.  These titles include Chaykin’s Black Kiss II, Ed Brubacker and Sean Phillips’s Fatale, Victor Quinaz and Brent Schoonover’s Mr. Murder Is Dead, and Joe Grahn and Carl Yonder’s Pirate Eye.