Comics Alternative

Episode 27 - The March Previews Catalog



This week the Two Guys with (easy) PhDs take their monthly stroll through the pages of the new Previews catalog.  They mention how jam-packed the March Previews is, filled with more promising comics than humans should be allowed. Among the many titles catching the guys’ (easy) PhD-trained minds are the new Mister X mini-series, Richard Corben’s adaptation of The Fall of the House of Usher, the 10th anniversary edition of Fagin the Jew, The Green Team, The Movement, The Wake, Promethea: The Immateria Edition from DC/Vertigo, Ten Grand, The Dream Merchant, Jim Rigg’s Supermag, Chris Northrop and Jeff Stokely’s The Reason for Dragons, Brenda Starr: The Complete Pre-Code Comic Books, Vol. 1, Gilbert Hernandez’s Marble Season, Matt Kindt’s Red Handed: The Fine Art of Strange Crimes, Jim Woodring’s Fran, The Metabarons: The Ultimate Collection, Mike Carey’s Suicide Risk, and two exciting titles from a brand new publisher, Black Mask Studios. Two Guys with (easy) PhDs also observe some weirdness in their iTunes revi