Comics Alternative

Episode 33 - Review of Comics about Cartoonists and Haunted Horror



This week on the podcast, Andy and Derek review two recent projects from the archival powerhouse that is Craig Yoe, Comics about Cartoonists: Stories about the World’s Oddest Profession, and the recent comic-book series Haunted Horror (both published through IDW Publishing). The first is a collection of strips and stories from around the turn of the century until the 1950s, drawn by a who’s who in the comics pantheon, and all taking on comics creators themselves as the subject matter. It’s a great work where you get to see artists poking fun at themselves, ridiculing their publishers and editors, and generally just having a good time with the comics industry as a whole. Next, the Two Guys with PhDs turn their attention to the first three issues of Haunted Horror.  This is another archival project from Yoe Studios!, but one that takes the form of an ongoing bimonthly series.  In each issue, Yoe presents several classic horror comics from the days before the Comics Code Authority, which means there’re plenty of