Develpreneur: Become A Better Developer And Entrepreneur

Start A Developer Career - Interview With Robert Cooke



We start a new conversation, and this time we are back to technology and how to start a developer career. The discussion with Robert Cooke is more than starting a career. However, we provide several key points as you move from movie coder to advanced developer. The problems get more complicated. But, on the other hand, they become more fun and exciting as well. Start A Developer Career We flash back a few decades to travel the path Robert took. His story began when he decided to start a developer career. It quickly grew into several intersections of data, coding, and business to show how to move problem-solving from the specific to the generic and cross industries. His focus often drifts back to the world of money and finance. Nevertheless, he brings up pieces of knowledge that can be used in other areas. About Robert With over 100,000 hours of software development, Robert has cemented himself as a thought leader in the computer science space. He is the Founder and CTO of 3Forge, a tech company incorporating