Let's Talk Near Death

Expanding Consciousness with Alysa Rushton



Following years of health issues Alysa Rushton found herself overweight and overmedicated - being prescribed over 28 medications - by the age of 27. A Near Death experience took her beyond this world, and gave her insights that stayed with her well beyond her experience. Today Alysa shares some of the learning moments from her Near Death Experience. She has a strong focus on energy, frequency and aligning our lives to tune into the best frequency of us. She’s on a personal and planetary mission to help us tap deeper into love and oneness, and help us awaken to our full true potential as an expression of the Divine in physical form. To learn more about Alysha check out: Website: https://alysarushton.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alysarushton/ Youtube: www/youtube.com/alysarushton Facebook: www.facebook.com/alysarushton Alysa's free Raise Your Vibration Toolkit: Raiseyourvibrationtoolkit.com Alysha's 2023 predictions video: https://youtu.be/a94XM4ohktw ___ For more about Kirsty Salisbury vis