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EP136: Use These 3 Facebook Messenger Blueprints to Acquire More Customers, Leads, & Subscribers



Are you using Facebook Messenger as an acquisition channel, but aren’t sure if you’re using it strategically or as strategically as you could? Then join us as we share three blueprints that will help you acquire more customers, leads, and Facebook Messenger subscribers in your business. These blueprints are strategies that you can start using immediately. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: How to leverage Facebook Messenger to run online training funnels and generate subscribers. 3 ways you can take your prospect from ad to sale, all without leaving Facebook. Use Facebook Messenger to turn a Messenger subscriber into an email subscriber. Understand how HubSpot used Facebook Messenger to promote its “Four Days of Facebook” event (« so it can serve as inspiration for your own Messenger campaign).