Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 114: Volume Five or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Eternals



Everything ends. But nothing ends quite how you think it will. Case and point: this is a two-parter! In part one, the Make Mine Multiversity crew tackles Kieron Gillen, Esad Ribić, Matthew Wilson, & Clayon Cowles' "Eternals," a twelve issue series with three specials ('Celestia,', 'Thanos Rises,' 'The Heretic') and a list of 101 Eternals names that was still ongoing when we started this whole thing! Can you believe that? We knew going in this would be our favorite but did it finally convince Jaina to like the Eternals?That, my friends, would be spoilers.Credit as well to Guiu Vilanova, Dustin Weaver, Kei Zama, Edgar Salazar, Livesay, Chris O'Halloran, and the late, great Ryan Bodenheim. You can find the issues wherever good comics are sold and in the three "Eternals" trades: "Only Death is Eternal," "Hail Thanos," and "A History Written in Blood"Part 2, coming to a podcatcher near you in two weeks, we'll be reading "Avengers. X-Men. Eternals: Judgment Day" and truly bringing this chapter to a close. T