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EP251: The 2 Essential Elements to Ultra High-Converting Video Ads



Every direct response video needs to be two things: engaging and compelling. In this episode, Andrew Eckblad of Convert Views joins Ralph Burns and Amanda Powell to explain what makes a video ad engaging and compelling. He talks about the importance of editing, why you don’t need the best film equipment available to get started creating video ads, and how he relies on tests and analytics to show him what’s working and what’s not. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Convert Views Genesis Digital Frank Kern Kartra HandSanitize.Us GetBravo Shure MVL Microphone Rev Episode 242: Using User-Generated Content For Level 1 Traffic with Molly Pittman & Amanda Powell Thanks for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review. iTunes not your thing? Find us on Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or at