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EP252: The Content Cluster Strategy For Boosting SEO & Traffic



Are you publishing blog post after blog post and still not growing your traffic? Been there—done that. In this episode, Head of Content SEO at Hubspot Aja Frost is going to show you the strategy that you can use to publish blog posts that actually drive traffic. This is a strategy we’ve implemented at DigitalMarketer and can confidently works. Ralph, Amanda, and Aja talk about how to start your content cluster strategy with high intent low volume keywords, the different levels of the cluster, and the secret behind all of Hubspot’s ultimate guides. RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Aja’s Website Aja on Twitter Aja on LinkedIn Episode 238: DigitalMarketer’s 2020 SEO Strategy   Thanks for joining us this week. Want to subscribe to Perpetual Traffic? Connect with us on iTunes and leave us a review. iTunes not your thing? Find us on Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or at