Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 113: Eternals: The Movie: The Podcast



No big lists of issues this week! That is because we are only looking at one thing- The Eternals, the 2021 film from the House of Mouse. It was the movie that broke many of their MCU habits. After all, would anyone risk breaking Covid-19 quarantine to see this movie in a crowded theater? Apparently some would, because this movie wasn't a total bomb at the box office. But is it any good? That's what the episode is trying to sort out.Truly the end is near! Judgment Day awaits... and so does the end of our "Eternals" project. If you have been diligently keeping up, there's just one series left to read. Next time we'll be considering Kieron Gillen's run on the Eternals, most of it drawn by the incomparable Esad Ribic. The issues include “Eternals” (vol. 5) #1–12, as well as the “Thanos Rises” “Celestia,” & “The Heretic” One-Shots. And then onto the "Judgment Day" crossover. It's a lot of issues, so we may cover them in two halves, one for the series proper and one for the event. Are you ready?