Page Fright: A Literary Podcast

78. Psychogeography, Gender, and Love Poems w/ Jade Wallace



Jade Wallace joins Andrew to discuss their debut full-length poetry collection, Love Is A Place But You Cannot Live There. Andrews learns about psychogeography and ponders its relationship with gender. It's a great time if you like poetry, talking, or talking about poetry! ----- Listen to more episodes of Page Fright here. Follow the podcast on Twitter here. Follow the podcast on Instagram here. ----- Jade Wallace (they/them) is the reviews editor for CAROUSEL, co-founder of the collaborative writing entity MA|DE, and the author of the debut poetry collection Love Is A Place But You Cannot Live There (Guernica Editions 2023) and the collaborative poetry collection ZZOO (Palimpsest Press, 2025). Keep in touch: ----- Andrew French is an author from North Vancouver, British Columbia. They have published two chapbooks, Poems for Different Yous (Rose Garden Press, 2021) and Do Not Discard Ashes (845  Press, 2020). Andrew holds a BA in English from Huron University College at Western University a