Let's Talk Near Death

Died & Survived with Charlie Webster



After contracting Malaria, and being given 24 hours to live, Charlie Webster had a life changing Near Death Experience. She can clearly recall the details of the doctors working on her and being on life support. And then after beating the odds, Charlie woke to a whole new life ahead of her. Her resilience and perseverance have taken on a journey of healing and contemplation, and helped her to look into some of life's biggest questions. Charlie is a mental health advocate driven by her own trauma and mental health journey since childhood. She founded and runs a mental health group, ‘mindtalk’ and is qualified in schema psychotherapy. She is a strong voice for young people, whether tirelessly working with victims of abuse as both children and adults or empowering the next generation in Africa implementing behaviour change and education against Malaria. She is also passionate about socioeconomic diversity coming from a disadvantaged low income and education family. With a background in journalism and as a TV pr