Trust And Believe With Shaun T

Listener Appreciation - Shaun Answers Your Questions Directly!



To close out June as Pride Month comes to an end, Shaun wanted to bring his listeners in to answer any questions you may have for him directly from his IG and Twitter feed. Questions answered on today's episode:Why is LGBTQ+ representation so important, especially to school-aged kids?What is the legacy you, Shaun, want to leave behind?Is it ok to not know where you fit under the LGBTQ+ umbrella (to know you’re Queer but don’t know which “label”)? How can you be authentically you and have Pride if you don’t know how you identify & don’t know who/what you are?When you're running on empty, how do you fill your cup so you can be your best self for others?How do I talk about all of it generally? I don’t want to disrespect anyone but so many changes I want to learn? The best response when someone says it’s your choice to be gay?What is the proper way to ask someone what pronoun(s) they identify as, or would like you to use?What is the best thing an ally ever did to support your journey?Follow along @t