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Episode 28: When Was Your Last Check-up? Four Health Screenings for Men Over 50



Hello, my friends, In today's episode, we are talking about the four health screenings that every man over 50 should include in the annual or semi-annual check-up. A study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic found that 65 percent of men avoid going to the doctor for as long as possible.  Today, we are talking about the four-health screenings every man over 50 should be sure to include in their yearly physical.  There are necessary medical screenings that should be conducted annually or semi-annually. This is a conversation you can have with your doctor so you know the best route to take.  To live a healthy and fulfilling life, being proactive is crucial to prevent life-threatening illnesses. This is especially true once you turn 50. This is because many illnesses begin to surface after 50, and early detection can result in rapid treatment and life-saving results.  Be sure you are current on your family’s medical history. It might be necessary to start these screenings earlier than 50. In this episode, you