Visual Revolutionary

Episode #223: Rob Hammer / Photographer



Photographer Rob Hammer joins the podcast to talk about his newest book "Roadside Meditations" and how he went from a kid growing up in upstate New York with absolutely no idea of what he wanted to do with his life, to working odd jobs wherever he could get them, to moving out west and slowly falling in love with photography, to building a portfolio that would have him shooting some of the biggest named athletes in the world for companies like Nike, to finally realizing that his true passion was being on the road working on his many personal projects.  During our conversation Rob talks about how his idea of success shifted from the goal of big paychecks and the validation of others, to spending time chasing the images and stories that truly inspire him and what it looks like to balance his time with the work that pays and the work that inspires, and how those two can sometimes come together as one.  We also talk about how he first fell in love with the American roadtrip and the inspiration and lessons he cons