Locker Room

You're Qualified (Part 2)



You’re Qualified (part 2) You have a story. God doesn’t want you to hide your story, but get comfortable with it and—when the opportunity arises—share it. When we choose to follow Christ, we become billboards of God’s grace and God’s hope. Your story is one of your greatest weapons. Jump back in with us this week as we continue the discussion on the two words: You’re Qualified. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E11: You’re Qualified (Part 2) What was your main takeaway from the previous episode? After listening to the episode, have you become more or less confident in God’s ability to use you? Why? At Southland, we encourage our congregation to live With Jesus, In Community, and On Mission or what we refer to as “The Triangle.” Read Mark 10:42-45, Philippians 2:3-4, and 1 Peter 4:10. One of the ways we can live “on mission” is by serving inside or outside the church. What does serving look like for you during this season? What have you learned from the experience? If you’ve not been able to serve, what barrier