High Performance Mindset | Learn From World-class Leaders, Consultants, Athletes & Coaches About Mindset

538: Becoming Elite with Erik Westrum, Author & Former Professional Hockey Player



Erik Westrum is a former professional hockey player, author, motivational speaker, leadership coach, and entrepreneur at heart.     During his hockey playing years, he faced daily challenges to make it to the top. By implementing the tools and strategies discussed in his book, Becoming Elite, he was able to consistently perform at the top of his game.     After retiring from hockey and trying to figure out the next step in life, Erik struggled with finding out what success looked like being off the ice. He shortly realized the steps and tools he used as a high-performing athlete could transfer to many other areas of life. And once again, his life changed dramatically.    After coaching hundreds of people over the past 22 years, Erik has helped people break through the obstacles that seem to be holding them back. Through this process, he has established the principles and processes of Becoming Elite and what it takes to transform your life using 4 proven pillars of performance. Life’s too short