Chelsea Swift Is Your Spirit Animal

Mental Clarity 2023: How to get from where you are now to where you truly deserve to be



You don't need to know "how" - the only thing you need to focus on, is the "what".  Today, I am throwing down 5 tips to help you establish 'what' you want without all the how, when, where, and time it will take because I could really use a break! Stop for a sec....because truly, inspired action.....YOUR inspired action is all that matters. Most days, we look around and we don't feel inspired and that's only because we're not allowing ourselves to think brand new. To step off that 'repetitive mind race' and into embracing what is really right for us on a personal level instead of copying what you think will make you happy. I also, talk about an exercise that really helped me release this idea that I need to build Rome in a day or that I constantly need to be doing something to reach "my goals". The truth is, inspired action comes when we least expect it and by simply, going with the flow, remaining open, and being hyper-focused on YOUR what. Not my what. Not my path. But with your own dreams (what) and your ow