Aip's Podcast & Crew

SHH Season 1



The entire first season of S Double H. S Double H was written and directed by Adam Qutaishat. Cast Includes: Ami Majeski, Karen Estrada, and Hannah Shay as S Double H Hannah Tahtinen (Rhymes with Hat tin pin) as Admiral Evra (Rhymes with Ezra) Marcus Beyer as the Narrator Rayne Kleinofen as Ensign Riley Shayne Steliga as B O Double S Chris Goode as Chuck, Hunter, Chase, Victor, and Gunner Jackie Willis and Becky Cofta as B Double O M Doug Jarecki and Bob Zimmerman as Henchman 023 Gage Patterson as Dr. Zed Hannah Esch as C O Double M Brant Allen and Rollie Cafaro (Like rolling) as G Double E K Adam Qutaishat a Q U A Double R Y Cecelia Davis as S Q Double U S H Kati Schwaber as S T A Double F Izaiah Ramirez as P U Double Z L E Zach Sharrock as Henchman 024 Ana Gonzalez as Number 3 Connor O'Hara as the Agent and Adam Qutaishat, Sherrick Robinson, Dennis Lewis, and Ro Spice-Kopischke as the Generals Live audio engineering and sound design by Derek Buckles. Music by Adam Qutaishat. Audio editing by Derek Buckles