Conversations That Matter

Ep 443  - Monitoring the Ocean in Real-Time Guest: Dr. Scott Beatty



Ep 443  - Monitoring the Ocean in Real-Time Guest: Dr. Scott Beatty By Stuart McNish   The odds are good that you live on the coast. In Canada, according to Natural Resources Canada, 38.3 percent of us live within 20 kilometres of the coast. In the US, more than 52 percent live within miles of the coast. What happens on the waters that lap against our shores matters. According to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, “we rely on our oceans for food, jobs, [and] clean air. Our social fabric is woven into the vast history of maritime and indigenous traditions.”   What happens at sea is, however, a mystery. Key to understanding what is happening along the vast coastline is data – real-time data. Not just modelling or satellite imagery – real data gathered from the ocean and beamed up in real-time. Enter Victoria-based MarineLabs’ “CoastAware” ocean buoys that are now providing critical information to ships’ captains, coastal communities, port authorities and governments.   Data that helps to ensure safe passage, data tha