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WTYL Episode 17 Episode Using Prayer To Recover Your Joy-



  "Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things are” Marianne Williamson      How would you like to learn how to use your spiritual weapons to recover your joy and live your life in peace?  The world can be scary and unfulfilling place, dealing with all the chaos that surrounds us can zap  the joy right out of our lives.  We spend so much time focusing on the problem that we forget we serve a God who has all the answers.  It is time that we begin to trust the Lord, especially if we want to live the life we deserve.  Proverbs 3:5 reads, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding".   We don't have to suffer in silence or carry the full burden of our problems alone.       But, why is joy so important you might be asking yourself, why can’t I just mine my own business and let other people do the same?  Because your lack of joy affects others and your ability to be a witness to God's love.  Praying is your first line of defense against the enemy and ag