Welcome To Your Life!

WTYL Episode 27 Stop Being A Midlife Wallflower! Four Ways to Face Your Fears Today



#midlifewomen #midlifecrisis #genxwomen #subscribe I am starting a movement.  I am lending my voice to women in midlife just like me, who feel that society, their families, and their co-workers are trying to keep them silent.  In today's episode, I am sharing with you four ways to face your fears so that you can live the life you deserve.   For many of us, aging has caused us to retreat safely into the background of our lives.  We have become midlife wallflowers who still dream of accomplishing big things in our lives but are afraid that what we have to say will not matter to anyone except us. That stops now!  Being fearless is not about the absence of fear. Being courageous is facing the things in life that scare you, despite the sweaty palms and racing heartbeat. Being fearless is realizing that what you want is more important than any fear you have of achieving it.  But being fearless does not need to involve life or death situations. Fearless is falling in love again aft