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WTYL Episode 38 How to Create the New Life You Have Always Wanted



#motivation #midlife #selfcare Let's Find Out What Is Holding You Back:  Schedule your Soul Transformation today I get it, this was going to be your year. 2020 was the year you were going to lose weight, get a new job, disconnect from distracting or destructive relationships. Find your soul mate, really take hold of your self-care, and make it a regular thing. Maybe, you were well on your way to making this happen, and then the world fell apart, and you with it .In today's episode you will learn: How taking tiny but consistent steps towards your goals will give you the motivation to finish What happens when you create micro goals instead of focusing on large tasks Why creating small goals will reduce your overwhelm tired of banging your head against the wall and you need help to figure out your next steps. Schedule your Soul Transformational call with me, it is completely free, and during our time together we will figure out what barriers are keeping you from the life you want. Just click this link