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WTYL Episode 48 My Inner Voice is Kind to Me -Monday Affirmation



Monday affirmation:  My Inner Voice Is Kind To Me A line from today's affirmation, "I choose gentle words and stick to the facts. I ask myself open-ended questions that help me view  situations from a different perspective and clarify my purpose." My Inner Voice Is Kind To Me Too many times we are defeated by the negative self-talk in our heads.  That small voice that tells us what we want to do is stupid, won't work, or we are not smart enough to make it happen.   Let's put an end to negative self-talk now! Recite this affirmation each day this week, make it part of your morning or evening routine and answer the questions at the end. Answering those self-reflection questions will help you to implement and internalize these new words and replace that negative self voice in your head. You can read the entire affirmation here.   One of the questions in today's affirmation is:  What is one positive thing I want to tell myself each morning? This year let's make your dreams come true! PS If you want to tap int