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Episode 54 WTYL Four Things to Do to Help Your Adult Children Process Your Parenting Style



Hello, my sisters, today's episode may touch a little close to home.  But let me say, that I did not record it to condemn anyone for their parenting style.  It is simple to help you help your children when they ask you why you parented them the way you did.  Believe the questions are coming and I want you to be better prepared than I was, instead of trying to defend your parenting record I want you to try these four tools.   Listen Actively Correct inadequacies with love Show yourself some compassion Beware of guilt We have all made mistakes as parents and while you cannot go back and fix your parenting mistakes, you can help your children to understand why they turned out the way they did and how they can become better people and better parents.  We know that parenting is a lifetime commitment and as our children grow into adults we get to be not just their mom but maybe even their friend. With Peace and Love, Renee Hi guys, my name is Renee.  I am a Certified Coach and Yo