Optimize Paleo By Paleovalley

EP297: Myths and Truths about Heart Disease with Dr. Stephen Hussey



We’ve all heard dietary saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease - but what you might not know - is that the evidence for this belief is not as foolproof as we’ve been led to believe.  And given that heart disease is still America’s #1 kill responsible for almost 700,000 deaths per year - understanding what you can do to prevent it is paramount.  In this week’s podcast with the author of Understanding The Heart: Surprising Insights Into The Evolutionary Origins Of Heart Disease - And Why It Matters, Dr. Hussey, we explore 3 little-known (and preventable) causes of heart-based issues and the common misunderstandings keep us stuck.  Dr. Hussey provides invaluable insights given his clinical experience and admitted obsession with the heart, but also because he experienced a heart attack and the shortcomings of current systems and strategies personally in 2020. This conversation was truly fascinating and I hope you walk away feeling as surprised and informed as I did. :) Here are some of my favorite take