So Very Wrong About Games

#22: Feudum and Euro/Ameritrash Hybridization



You wouldn't like Mark when he's angry, but that's probably attributable to his being fundamentally unlikable at the best of times. At any rate, Walker tries to rein him in from ranting too long about obvious component failures, publisher laziness, and alleged outright theft. Walker, for his part, just wants things to mean something. We are seekers here at So Very Wrong About Games.Games Played Last Week:-Spirit Island 2m10s (Eric Reuss, Fabled Nexus, 2017)-The City of Kings 4m00s (Frank West, The City of Games, 2018)-Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire 6m00s (David Sanders, Games Workshop, 2017)-World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch 9m04s (Fel Barros, Christophe Madura, Alexandru Olteanu, David Rakoto, & Michael Shinall, CMON, 2018)-Shadowrift: Skittering Darkness 9m47s (Jeremy Anderson, Game Salute, 2018).-John Company 15m22s (Cole Wehrle, Sierra Madre, 2018)News (and why it doesn't matter)-Music and geopolitics 22m14s-Red Raven Targets the mass market 24m10s-App didn't kill Imperial Assault 2