So Very Wrong About Games

#253: New and Improved



"And Blass is reeling from Yves Saint-Laurent's inverted atomic drop! But wait, who's that running towards the ring? IT'S THE BIG O! Oscar de la Renta is coming to the assistance of his tag-team partner! We thought Pierre Cardin had locked him backstage in his dressing room but no, here he is, steel chair in hand! And he levels YSL with one perfect shot to the head!!! Can you believe it? This the kind of action you can only see on pay-per-view in Versailles!" 01:24 AYURIS: Trickerion: Legends of Illusion (Richard Amann & Viktor Peter, Mindclash Games, 2015)Games Played Last Week:04:06 -Deities (Gary Kim, Mandoo Games, 2022)08:24 -Manhattan (Andreas Seyfarth, Hans im Glück, 1994)10:48 -Votes for Women (Tory Brown, Fort Circle Games, 2022)18:43 -Skytear Horde (Giacomo Neri and Riccardo Neri, Skytear Games, 2023)23:29 -Barony (Marc André, Matagot, 2015)24:49 -Don't L.L.A.M.A. Dice (Reiner Knizia, AMIGO, 2021)24:59 -Antike II (Mac Gerdts, PD-Verlag, 2015)25:54 -Tribune (Karl-Heinz Schm