Wednesday Night Services

The Eye of God - Audio



What do you expect should happen when a prophet is given a message from the Lord to not only tell you what the will of God is, but that He wants you to do it? Would you expect things to be easier from then on or harder? Smooth sailing or more opposition? We may say we should expect more opposition, but in practice Christians who receive increased opposition feel and speak things like “the word must not have been from God,” “the devil must be real mad at what I’m doing,” or even “people need to line up with what God told me.” How have you responded in the past? How should we respond and what can we learn from these events in the lives of those who resumed building the Temple, after Haggai gives them such great words from God?" In this chapter we can learn a very important lesson in dealing with those who oppose us, and how we can make the situation better. Also, what does it mean that "The eye of their God was on the elders..."? Is the same eye on you and wh