Absolute Trust Talk

107: What Are Commonly Overlooked Money Issues When Splitting Assets in a Divorce?



Whether you’ve experienced it yourself or have seen it happen to someone close to you, you’re likely to agree that there aren’t many life events that are more emotionally taxing than divorce. Two lives that have been bound together — by law and through shared experiences — are severed, and with that comes the necessities required to complete that break. The emotional component, however, often makes every step in the process as contentious as it can be, with both parties not only going to the mat to look after their own best interests but sometimes — let’s face it — also inflicting emotional and financial harm on each other. In a “50/50” state like California, where assets are required by law to be divided equally among spouses, it would seem like a cut-and-dry job, and in some respects, it is. But not all community assets are that easy to divide. The most obvious example of this would be the family home. You’re not likely to find many divorced couples willing to live under the same roof with spatial boundarie