Movers & Shapers: A Dance Podcast

MSP 151: Lynn Peterson and Kate Sutter



Sharing the Power of Dance with Lynn Peterson and Kate Sutter The power of dance can be harnessed and shared with people from all walks of life. The connection facilitated by the art form is undeniable when witnessing the fortuitous friendship between Lynn Peterson and Kate Sutter. The two visionary leaders behind SYREN Modern Dance join us today to share their respective dance journeys, and the process of starting, sustaining, and now celebrating 20 years of SYREN. We learn about their roles in the organization and their principal source of inspiration, as well as their intention to share the value of modern dance as widely as they can. Lynn and Kate always have been and always will be dedicated to dance and, in this episode, we are reminded of the importance of placing creativity at the center of any art form, despite the distraction of building a business around it. Tune in for this inspirational conversation with two women who didn’t idly wait for opportunities to come their way, but rather seized the rei