Locker Room

Be Accountable



Two Words: Be Accountable We’ve each got a shot at moving beyond where we are and towards the men that God wants us to be—but we need a band of brothers—we need a couple guys. God wants us to step off the island and have some guys that we can count on. And there are guys that need to be able to count on us. We all need these relationships. Join us on this week’s podcast as Scott talks about being accountable. Join us March 17-18 for Meal Pack! Across all five Southland campuses in partnership with Lifeline Christian Mission, we will pack one million meals to feed hungry kids around the world. All of the meals are distributed through Lifeline’s sites in countries like Honduras, Ecuador, Guatemala, and some countries in Africa. To be a part of this event, sign up at LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10E6: Be Accountable Who’s the best classmate, teammate, or co-worker you’ve ever collaborated with? What did you appreciate the most about them?  Who do you currently spend the most