The Daily

‘It Has All Gone Too Far’



The state of the 2020 U.S. election is, still, not a settled matter in Georgia. For weeks, conservatives have been filing lawsuits in state and federal courts in an effort to decertify results that gave a victory to Joe Biden. On Twitter, President Trump has been making unsubstantiated claims that the state has been “scammed.”With Georgia in political turmoil, threats of violence have been made against state election officials, who have been scrambling to recount votes by hand, and against their families.Still, dozens of prominent national Republicans have stayed silent.Last week, Gabriel Sterling, a little-known election official in Georgia, did something his party is refusing to do: condemn the president’s claims.For today’s episode, we called him to ask why he decided to speak up.Guest: Gabriel Sterling, a Republican official who is the voting system implementation manager in Georgia.For an exclusive look at how the biggest stories on our show come together, subscribe to our newsletter. Read the latest edi