Pitney & Amelia's Bitchen Boutique

The Ghastly Spectre of Maturity



Here we go, dragging Madonna. AGAIN. But only because we were already talking about the fear of aging, and she's out there flappin' her comically engorged lips.    So, why is "anti-aging medicine" even a thing? Aren't people SUPPOSED to age? Cosmetic surgery, magic serums, taking medications meant for sick people -- for what purpose? We talk about our real fears about aging and the culture's attitudes towards getting and looking older.    But first, the things that are bitchen, which include some twenty-year-old music and tens of thousands of dollars' worth of Italian food.    Promos: 2 Skeptical Chaps (http://www.2skepticalchaps.libsyn.com/) and Aim For The Head Podcast (https://aimfortheheadpodcast.libsyn.com/)  (Want to swap show promos? Email us!)      We love you for listening! Please take a moment to rate and review us, and earn a STICKER! (Everyone loves stickers!) And please subscribe or add us to your favorites list on your favorite platform so you never miss a show! And share us with your cool frien