My Business On Purpose

624: A Leader’s Tension: Controlling vs. Under Control



An influential teacher was slowly traveling towards his intended destination and along the way would make time to connect in a variety of towns.   As is the case for most teachers, politicians, musicians, and artists of influence, this teacher had supporters… followers. There was one controversial stop along the campaign route where the local population was more hostile to the teachers message.  Argumentative conflict ensued. The supporters immediately asked the teacher's permission to antagonize and put the locals in their place.  The teacher said “no”.  In effect, he censured his supporters. His supporters desperately wanted to control the narrative…to make the locals either like the teacher and the message that they themselves liked, or else they wanted to burn the place down. Instead, the teacher provided a model of having self-control and realizing that it is impossible to mandate conversion to any sort of message.   Labor to control others and you will either get blind subjects or chaotic revolt. Live u