An Interview With Melissa Llarena

How To Recover From Burnout 3 No BS Strategies For Moms



I’m burned out. Now, what? 3 lessons I learned on how to keep burnout at bay or to rescue myself because mental illnesses run through my family. Plus, what mom has time for burnout? As you listen to this episode, definitely be sure to grab my 10 burnout zappers for creative moms and pass it along to your mom friends too. FREE RESOURCE: 10 Burnout Zappers For Creative Moms - Unexpected and (several playful) ideas to avoid getting too burned out (or to zap it quickly) so that your imaginative, playful, and expansive thinking self can create something glorious today! My identical twins didn’t sleep through the night until eight months in. That was the same year that I lost a loved one to cancer and that my mom was in a hospital due to being poisoned by a collage of psychopharmaceuticals. It was a devastatingly overwhelming year. I write about this situation in my upcoming book called Mom Life Rescripted: Reawaken your imagination, reintroduce playfulness into your life,