Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 109: Oy Gevalt, These Eternals Gestalt



This time, we read some seriously weird books. We started with some classic 90s "Heroes for Hire" (Vol. 1) #4-7 (from November 1997 - January 1998) and then we read the bombastic "New Eternals: Apocalypse Now" (also known as Eternals: The New Breed) #1 (from February 2000.) This is around the place where Marvel creators lose track of continuity. That means some pretty wild swings. Not all of them connect.Next time is more "Eternals," but with a more classic reading selection. We are reading Eternals (vol. 3) #1–7 by Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr. We will also have a brief discussion about Chuck Austen's Marvel MAX Eternals story, but you don't have to worry about tracking that one down.