Absolute Trust Talk

105: AB Trust: Do You Have One? Do You Need One?



Ever open a closet drawer only to discover something from your past that’s long since been rendered obsolete? More often than not, this obsolescence comes by virtue of outdated technology — or, in the case of clothing, because of a shift in what’s considered fashionable. Think VHS players, a Sony Walkman . . .  parachute pants. While you probably wouldn’t expect to find any such relics within the realm of estate planning, they might just exist there too. If you’re married, an excellent case in point is the AB trust you’ve been holding onto for quite some time — maybe without even knowing it. And like those archaic electronic devices or that “of its time” fashion, it may be time to kick it to the curb. At one time, AB Trusts were very common. They harnessed a specifically designed structure to minimize exposure to the California estate tax laws that included a surprisingly low exemption — as low as $1 million dollars. So, if a couple had a worth of $2 million and one spouse died, the remaining spouse was often