My Business On Purpose

622: The Secret To Getting the Next Generation Excited To Work And Lead



“Nobody wants to work anymore”...the problem is that has been said for well over 100 years now! I saw a headline all the way back to 1894 declaring that “nobody wants to work anymore”.  This is not a new problem.  If we’re not careful, our negativity will breed a culture where work is seen as… Cursed A means to an end  As a lifeless 9 to 5, tryin’ to make a livin’  Hallucinating that it’s 5 o’clock somewhere Something to “take and shove it” Just another Manic Monday  Work is deeper than that, more powerful than that Work is an opportunity… Proverbs 12:11 - “A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies has no sense.” We say, “nobody wants to work anymore!”...when in reality they just don’t want to work for you because you are grumpy! Instead, we need to build  A CULTURE WHERE PEOPLE DO WISH TO DO HARD THINGS! There will always be a mountain to climb in building a culture of intentionality within your business.   Business is hard…running a business is even harder.   Let’