My Business On Purpose

620: The Difference Between Coaching and Consulting



 Over the course of meeting with hundreds of business owners about their coaching needs, we will be asked this question from time to time — What’s the difference between a business coach vs. a business consultant? And do I need to hire one of each? Coaching and consulting are different, and there is value in both. What’s the difference between a business coach vs. a business consultant While these phrases are sometimes used interchangeably in everyday conversation, this is actually a misnomer. A business coach's role (much like an athletic coach’s role) is to constantly research and study the “game” of business, work to develop playbooks, roadmaps, and techniques that each business owner and key leader (players) can follow, and then show up enthusiastically and repetitiously on a predetermined schedule to create the necessary push and conditioning through accountability and implementation.   A coach will push the stagnate, temper the overenthusiastic, motivate the exhausted, learn from defeat, and celebrate g